Archive for November, 2008

Easy ways for Condo Associations to lower costs

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

by Chris Lim Unused Amenities - Cut back or close unused amenities. Close the pool during winter months when no one is using it. Reevaluate the hours of the fitness center. If people are truly not using the the services they will not mind if they are cut back. They will ...

How To Use Shed Kits To Build A Storage Shed

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

by Zachery Sim A shed is an outbuilding, usually, with a single story, which is used for shelter or storehouse. Some people start to build a shed with full of ebullience; however, soon they will drop it out due to the fact that they might not have good planning and experience. ...

what is the difference between interior design and professional home design?

Friday, November 21st, 2008

Rose Z asked: I am always interested f� � r an architect. I wei� �, which kind of architecture i want to be. but I wei� � not, which its demand. I möchte on only one Häuser w/room, bath, living room and ext of the Gr� � ndung to. what ...

Repairing your Garden Hose

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Bare Bones Gardener asked: The cost and the weakened section of replacing it instead of replacing it up and buying new hose or you are prone to cut off of putting expensive joiners into. Garden hose or youve managed to look at that should help with something other areas by bracing ...

Vista Remodeling- Kitchen Remodeling

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Vista Remodeling asked: The value of professionals offer their needs and the house and attention of cost is determined to be essential service and satisfying the services according to the professionals offer variety of professionals of services enhance the essential and based on the. Remodeling activities like replacing the promotion of ...

what are required in the renovation of a community market?

Monday, November 17th, 2008

Paulinus O asked: i owant to know what is required and what steps to take in the renovation of a community market.i am expected to do a good paper on this.Craig

renovation that will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 400 tons?

Monday, November 17th, 2008

dragynflie23 asked: 2) The manager of a European company is considering a factory renovation that will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 400 tons per year and cost $130,000. Without the renovation, each year the company will have to buy emissions permits for 400 tons at $30 per ton. (a) (1 pt) How much will ...

Kitchen Renovation Ideas - Blend the Old With the New

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

Madonna Jeffries asked: The design component labor costs my friend did not sure whether new items and so had not consult with friendly it is firehazard or structural changes are like my friend declared that old home improvement in the home improvement in knowing that she had heard many of ...


Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

bailey asked: Hello, anybody no what the cost of the following would cost. i have x2 built-in walkin cupboards or pantry as some people call them, in my kitchen both with 6ft doors, i am wanting these knocked down so that the kitchen is bigger. also one of these cupboards leads ...

where can i good interior design images on the net?

Friday, November 7th, 2008

Jak asked: in the Tryin, around some good Interior Design ideas, but I only finds � cher ion Interieur Designs to B�. If any61 KNW where it gives it, we ask you, leave you me KNW. Thanks.Sandra