The Different Uses Of Corner Bookcases

August 3rd, 2009 | by Bart Icles |

Corner bookcases are among the most interactive furniture in the house. They can be used for storage, decorative, and organizing purposes. Perhaps some of us prefer to think of it as display furniture for some smaller display items when you have an empty-looking corner. Of course, corner bookcases are primarily for books, but think about using it for other items you would like to display. Have you ever thought of creating themed corners in your home? First, let me show you how easy it is to get corner bookcases, then I will proceed with a bit of discussion on themed corners.

First, think of what purpose best serves you in getting corner bookcases. Do you want to use them primarily as organizers, or for decoration/display, or for storage? When you have the base concept in mind, you can look for the type that you want to display and that which would also blend in with your current furniture and wall design and color.

Next is where you can find them. With the advent of internet commerce, you can find a lot of things over the net including corner bookcases, used or new. You can also go old school and ask a furniture maker or carpenter to make you one or customize one for you, or you can simply shop for it in some hardware or department store which is more convenient.

Once you get your own corner bookcase, prepare to conceptualize or customize it for personal use. If you already like the details in what you have, you can just add some decoration to make it look even better, like adding some textile or fabric to cover the top or the entire bookcase. You can also put framed pictures on top of it, or you can arrange some personal memorabilia to go with the books.

Themed corners are an alternative concept to making your house look livelier and full. If you have an empty-looking corner in your house, that would be a good spot to start with in making themed spots. As an example, if you are into classical style and literature, you might want to arrange your furniture into different themed corners paying tribute to different classical era. Aside from books, corner bookcases can also contain personal collections, gifts and memorabilia to accentuate your design. Just make sure that your overall concept blends in with your surrounding furniture and wall design. It shouldn’t stand out so much that it becomes an eyesore instead.

Corner bookcases have a wide array of uses. They provide a certain degree of creativity, flexibility, and ultimately, satisfaction when you get to see the outcome of your handiwork.

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